
Posted by becky

Julianne sure is growing up fast all of a sudden with her crawling and being almost a year old. Now she has two teeth on the top.

No Training Wheels  

Posted by becky

Today Morgan wanted to ride her bike without training wheels. We tried going up and down the driveway , but Morgan wouldn't pedal fast enough for me to let go. Finally she did and she was on her own for a few seconds, but when she realized I let go, she stopped pedaling. We tried a few more times, but once she fell, she had had enough. She doesn't want to try until she's older. She 's always saying I'll do this and that when I'm older . She told me she won't sleep in her bed until she's seven, but one day she told me she would sleep in her bed just one night so that the tooth fairy would come.

Getting Into Trouble  

Posted by becky

Julianne has become more mobile now that she has learned to crawl a little. Today she crawled over to the arm of couch, got on her knees and stood up to reach the drink that I had sitting on the side table. I wonder what kind of mishcheif she'll get into next.

Wild Wind  

Posted by becky

Last night there was a ravaging wind storm that swept through our neighborhood. I thought the windows were going to break. The windows didn't break, but one of our shutters on our living room window came off in pieces. I thought the wood might have been from our neighbors yard, but Jared noticed the shutter missing and had me collect the missing pieces.

screaming competition  

Posted by becky

Today Julianne started making her usual screeching sound. A few minutes later,after brief silence from her, I started making her screeching sound. She them proceeded to copy me, and we went back and forth copying each other. Now she loves to scream and is doing it all the time.


Posted by becky

I have no idea what the name of the park we went to today is called, so we just call it castle park because it has a playground that looks like a castle. Morgan insisted that we go there after school. It's not close by our house. It takes about 15 minutes to get there, but Morgan had so much fun playing in the castle the last time she went there with a friend, that it was worth the drive. Julianne also got in on the fun swinging and sliding. Just before we left t he park, a ton of kids showed up to play. They all of a sudden just came out of the blue and invaded the park.


Posted by becky

I have been anxious for Julianne do do something new. There's not much a baby can do though, so it's exciting when something new comes along. Julianne is 9 months old now, can babble, has 3 teeth, and can do a combat crawl, which she just learned to do. I really want her to crawl, so I've been putting her on her knees thinking she will eventually know what to do. Well, today was her day to crawl. She moved her hands and knees about 7 times before stopping. That may not sound like much, but to me it's very exciting that she is learning new things.

Girl Clothes  

Posted by becky

Today I went shopping with Morgan for some new spring clothes. I went to Old Navy so that anything I picked out, or Morgan picked out, would be cute. These are the clothes I picked out. Thank goodness Morgan Okayed them.
Then we got to the skirt section of the store and Morgan found the ugliest skirt. She insisted on having it. I kept telling her no, that it is too ugly, but to no avail, it was in our shopping cart and on it's way home to Morgan's closet.

Sick Day  

Posted by becky

On Thursday night I was at the computer while I was holding Julianne. I had given her some prune juice earlier for her constipation. I guess my arm around her stomach squeezed it to hard because she threw up all that prune juice on my desk. What a mess! Then later that night after dinner, Morgan was in bed with me and said she didn't feel well, that her stomach hurt. The next thing I knew was Morgan had thrown up all over the bed. So I had double the cleanup to do that day.

Grandma Comes To Visit  

Posted by becky

Today my mom came to visit me. Well, she didn't come all the way just to visit me. She attended the women's conference at BYU and also went to see Brian, Rochelle, and the kids in Spanish Fork. It was a quick trip for her because she flew, so I didn't get to spend much time with her. She brought with her her friend Norma who is an absolute delight. In the few hours we spent together, we had lunch, played with Julianne, watched some home movies, and went on a walk. I miss my mom so much because we live so far apart, which is why I'm glad my brother Scott got me started on that conference calling called skype. I also talk to Scott on it, but I think I bug him too much on it. Anyways, I had a wonderful time with my mom and I can't wait to visit her in July.